Thursday, September 21, 2017

Adventures ~ Exciting, Challenging and Sometimes a Little Furry

Do you enjoy luke warm showers with the company of geckos and slugs? Feeling your blood pressure rise while standing on the street, nearly being hit by a bus? Fearing the fate and weighing the consequences of your stomach when you bite into a piece of fruit? How about the unexpected company that stays way too long in your home, unwelcome and unappreciated... in the forms of giant spiders, flying cockroaches and a baby possum? Well have I got the place for you! 

These are just a few of the challenges I face here, but honestly, it really isn't so bad, I kind of love it actually. It wouldn't be El Salvador if there weren't just a few interesting surprises. Not to worry though, the animals have been taken care of by either my shoe or by being returned to their very unimpressed mama possum, who seems to personally blame me, as if I was the one that sent her baby a personal invitation into our home, which I assure you,  I did no such thing! I also informed the mama of this, while sitting on the patio one evening, after DAYS of receiving the stink eye. Oh yes, I did indeed have an out loud argument with a mother possum, I am telling you, this country makes you do things you never dreamed of doing! Those others things,well I have simply accepted them as part of this new life of mine. It could be a whole lot worse! I have come to be incredibly grateful for those funny little things, that make me appreciate Gods goodness all the more. It could have been a rat! Lord knows I am not ready for that~ although my sister has been encouraging to remind me that I truly can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me. I just didn't realize quite what He meant when He said all things..

Well, here we are in September! August has come and gone. Obviously it had it's share of interesting moments, stressful situations, but all around, it was wonderful as usual. Each day brings new and exciting opportunities and challenges, ones I never could of dreamed of facing. I can confidently say, God is at work in my life, every single day, and I am so glad. This world I live in way out here in the Jungle, is like nothing I could have ever imagined.

 During my last 8 months here, I have seen my perspective, my focus and my heart change and adapt to my surroundings. 

 I have watched God perfectly place people in my life to teach me things about the language, the culture and the people of this beautiful country. I have learned that even though I don´t like to admit it, there are times when my North American Superiority, that I didn't even realize I had, threatens to make an appearance and I have to be reined in again. Times when I can´t understand why these people just don´t get how my way is better, and how their way makes no logical sense. I have had to realize, that I was born and raised in a different environment than what the people of El Salvador are accustomed to, and just because my way makes more sense to me, does not mean that it is infact the correct way. I have had to shut up and just listen, to a new language, to the sounds around me and to the needs of others, and to appreciate this language barrier as a way of building relationship so deep and so meaningful that we don´t need words to express our feelings. 

I have learned to appreciate a different culture, and what it has to offer. To live my life adventurously! To ride on the back of the truck like a crazy person, wear the clothes bursting with colour and to try new foods, ones that look outrageous and questionable, but actually taste like nothing I have ever experienced before. To not be scared to give a part of myself away to this beautiful place, because that doesn't mean I am giving up everything that makes me who I am. It just means that I am growing into the women God desires me to be, and who knows, I may even love it. To realize that slowly but surely, this place that used to be so crazy, so dangerous and so incredibly challenging,  is actually kind of home now. The reality is, this place has changed who I am. I still have pieces of myself that make me ME , things in the way I was raised, that have made me who I am today, but there are also new things that I cherish and value, things I never known or understood in the life I lived before. 

Who would have known I would fall in love with people that I thought were so different than me, people who, when you actually get right down to it, really aren't that different at all. Who knew I would experience what it feels like to take  pride and joy in the progress of the children I work with, children who are not my own, but who have most definitely stolen my heart, whom I love as my own. I laugh with them, talk with them, challenge them and do my best to share wisdom and love any way I can. These are the same children, that at times I cry for, when this hurt overwhelms me, not fully understanding how and why their lives have been shaped the way they have, forcing myself to trust that God is sovereign, even when I don't understand. I rejoice and take pride in their accomplishments and encourage them when I can, ensuring they know how truly loved and cherished they are.

I have friends that are helping me grow into this new life of mine, ones there to lend a listening ear and to share a nice lunch with. Friends that have welcomed me with open arms and open hearts, for which I am eternally grateful for. They show me the beauty of this country, one I never really saw at the start, and how to appreciate the different way of life here. What used to be all barbed wire and guns, is now beautiful flowers and bright colours. There isn't only sorrow filled eyes and empty stomachs, there are joy filled smiles and mended hearts. God is busy at work here, and I love that He has me here to play part in it. I love to see the progress these last 8 months have brought, and I can't wait to see what the future holds, for not only me, but all of El Salvador.

I encourage you to continue praying for me way out here in the Jungle, pray for the ways that God is growing and changing my heart. I love to hear from you folks and am happy to share my experiences here in El Salvador. I encourage you to be open to adventure. You don't have to move across the world to find it, it's right there in your very own heart. I encourage you to be brave, because who knows, you just might love it!

Love and Prayers
Erica Byleveld

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Growing and Changing

The moments of time here in El Salvador seem so surreal, filled with beautiful little moments, challenging moments and an ever changing craziness that is simply life here in El Salvador.

With the passing of time, comes change too. Changes in the weather, changes in our programs and changes in the friendly faces coming and going, they seem to be everywhere Before I began this adventure, I will admit, I never liked change. I liked being in control of my surroundings and I was very much an old fashioned homebody, that enjoyed the things I was used to. I enjoyed not only the comforts of home we don't have here in El Salvador, but simply the feeling of being comfortable in life.  Now however, I have had to learn that in order to grow through these seasons of life, change is always involved, and change could be a good thing. I wouldn't be here in El Salvador, if I didn't make a change in my life and I definitely wouldn't have grown in ways like I have this year.  God has shown me how important it is and I have come to appreciate change, even if it's not always easy.

One of my favourite things here in El Salvador, is being able to have the perfect viewpoint  of God at work in the lives around me, especially with the boys in our New Dawn rehab program. I arrived here at the opening of this program and have had the opportunity to get to know each and every one of these children from the very beginning. I have seen them at there lowest point, at the start of their stay and have watched God not only change their health but their hearts as well. Each of these boys have had unbelievable struggles, that I can't even begin to pretend to comprehend. Many come from abusive pasts, lived on the streets with addictions, were gang members and in some cases spent time in jail. These are all horrible things to consider but what makes it worse, is that all of the boys in our program are 16 and under. Children.

 They come to us broken and closed off, emotionally, mentally and physically in desperate need of help, and only by Gods precious grace and love, are we able to cherish these children, meet their needs and love them the best we can. It hurts my heart to watch them hurt, but I also know that if they don't go through the hurting phase of change, then they can't grow into the next season of their lives, developing a thriving with new opportunities, full of hope. Some days we see no progress at all, other days we barely recognize the boy standing in front of us, smiling and healthy. I love spending time working with them, baking with them and laughing with them, they are truly incredible boys. It warms my heart to see their faces light up in a smile over a joke we share, and I cherish the moments when they wrap their arms around me in a big embrace. I am so blessed to be a part of this season of growing they are in. I love celebrating how successful they have been and sharing just how proud I am of their hard work. Each of them are happier, healthier and prospering in their relationship with Christ, nothing like those boys that showed up at our door, not so long ago.

I pray for the growth of each of these boys as well as their families back home, and I ask that you, when thinking of me way out here, do the same. Pray for God to show His precious love to boys that may have never know what it means to be truly loved, and that the work He has me involved  in here, is for His glory alone.

 I also pray that you take a moment to appreciate this season God has you in and your relationships. Embrace the challenges by leaning on God and not your own understanding and cherish the glimpses God gives us into the work He is doing in the lives around us.

Love and Prayers
Erica Byleveld

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

God Moments

As I sit here and write this post, I am once again amazed by how fast the time really does go. Just as April was coming to a close, May managed to rush right by us. June marks 6 months of my Internship here at MTES (Mission To El Salvador) finished, and I have to tell you, not only has the time flown by, but I truly have learned so much in a now seemingly short time. I have had the privilege of watching those I have served with grow day after day. I have had the opportunity to meet wonderful people and build truly beautiful and meaningful relationships, ones that I plan on having prosper through the coming years. I also have begun to notice the ways I myself am growing, changing and transitioning
. Things that once seemed so important have sort of drifted away, while other things have prospered and grown. All in Gods timing, all in Gods plan. I have had wonderful days filled with joy and I have had horrible days filled with pain and sadness. It is all part of this growing season of life I am in, and this place where I am doing the growing. I have promised my readers, no matter how few, that during my time here on the missions field I would do my best to be open and honest. It is not always easy and it is not always pretty, but it is real, and I for one think that should count for something. I truly feel that God has called me to serve way out here in the Jungle, and I also feel called to share my journey with you folks as well, so sharing I will do.

This month has been an interesting one that is for sure. God has done a wonderful job of showing me just how important these months of relationship building have been. I said good bye to my dear roommate Grace, and let me just say, it was tough. We spent the first two months here just her and I and took quite a liking to each other, Grace being the younger sister I never had. We shared so much laughter and our share of tears too, so many special moments perfectly ordained to strengthen and encourage each other. To love one another and be there to support the other when one of us was ready to pack up and just buy that plane ticket home. Most of all however, I will miss the practical jokes! I for one, took pleasure in hiding in dark corners or quite frankly in plain view, just to get a scare out of Grace, which left us both in tearful laughter! She however,  has been successful in retaliating by leaving me a wonderful scavenger hunt of notes throughout the house, well played Grace, well played. All in all, we have had a wonderful five months together growing together as sisters in Christ. I cannot wait to see the path in which God leads her, but will dearly miss having her here by my side. As Grace was leaving, in came Leanna! She has joined us for two months to volunteer with our homeless program (El Faro).  I am so glad that God has brought her into our lives, and am loving watching Him work in her life. She is a wonderful edition of fun to our household and we are enjoying having her here immensely.

Starting in May, I also have been spending more time in our New Dawn program (our drug and alcohol rehab house for children) and I am enjoying getting to know each of our wonderful boys. We have three boys ages 16 and 17 as of now and many more taking part in our lengthy admissions process. I have the honor of teaching a pastry class during the week, as an opportunity for these boys to learn a new life skill, and to enjoy some of their time while in detox. I have come to know each of them personally, bits and pieces of their stories in my very broken Spanish, and have been given a glimpse into the life they used to live. It brakes my heart to sit and hear these stories. Stories of pain, heart ache, abuse and their horrid tales of life on the streets. Each moment that passes, these boys find a small way to steal my heart. I love getting to know each of their personalities and after working alongside them, we have developed quite a beautiful friendship,no matter how mischievous they are . I continue to pray for the rehabilitation of not only these children but also the relationships they have with their families. I ask that even though you don´t know their names or faces, that you to stand beside my in prayers for their lives, and for the lives in the process of being admitted to our program. 

This month has been a wonderful month, but also one filled with tough times too. Each day I am surrounded by a world of hurt and fear, there is violence and pain everywhere I look. If I can´t see it in the unimaginable amount of homeless people we see and serve, I can close my eyes and hear it in the yelling and gun shuts that ring out into the night. All these things can so easily leave a person heart broken. I myself have to do my best to put aside my feeling and thoughts in my work time in order to be efficient and capable of serving, all while keeping the balance of not pushing those feelings so far down as to not acknowledging them. It´s so easy to get caught up in the sadness. For example, I had the privilege this week of helping out one of our partnering organizations to help prepare their new facility for orphan children. The space that they were moving into was in need of some serious tender love and care, and a serious deep clean. Myself and a group of others had the opportunity to  spent a day helping out by painting, cleaning and gardening. As I walked through the building I couldn´t help but feel sad, not fully sure why, I asked my boss what this place used to be used for. He replied that this particular building had been used as a place for children with HIV/AIDS, as I walked through the building, I noticed a set of built in baby bathing stations, something that I have never seen before, indicating that a lot of these children were awfully young, most likely babies. This was something that once again made me simply stop. A second, to just stop what I was doing and give myself just a moment, to let the tears well up and to just feel. Actually feel my heart break, and for people I don't even know. As I walked through the building, refreshing paint cans and sweeping floors, my mind wandered to thoughts of how many beautiful young lives had been lost in this abandoned  building filled with such bright colours, something that I thought interesting, such bright colours. I thought how strange is was that this place wasn´t part of a hospital either, more just a building tucked away, forgotten. I grieved for the lives lost in that place, lives I didn´t have the opportunity to know, the families of these children possibly left behind. In the next moment, I prayed for the children that would soon be coming to this place, that are hurt and afraid, that they hopefully would feel Gods love somehow.  I prayed that even though I could only spend a day with a paint brush, that maybe one child would see this simple bright wall of green and be encouraged that God sent someone to care about the environment they were being brought into as their new home, to bring a smile to their face and to show that they were cared about. That day, was in itself, a season. A time of one work transitioned to another, and I got to be a part of it. That dear friends, was a very tough day.

God shows us tough days, He doesn´t make our time here always easy or always fun. We need to see the full truth in order to have our hearts see the need for change. God also provides good days. Another day I had recently was also one of those days where I get to see God at work, first hand, in practical ways. A "God Moment". One of the boys I had met early on in my time here came around to visit the office. This boy was a child living on the streets for years, who, to say has lived a tough live, is the understatement of the year. He was not able to join our rehab program due to his age (being 18 and therefor no longer a minor) we were unable to process his admission. He was however admitted to a different addictions and rehabilitation program. Praise God. It had been three months since I had seen this particular boy. The moment he walked in our doors, and gave me a quick hug and hello, I honestly did not realize it was him. It wasn´t until my boss told me that this clean, healthy, glowing boy with shiny shoes and a smile that could melt your heart, was actually in fact that same small boy that had not so long ago been riddled with disease and pain. I was speechless, which if anyone knows me, has never really happened, I am a women of so many words. My heart could not stop the smile that spread across my face. We saw it! This thing that we are a part of, it works! We are being used by God to change lives. We are changing lives when we submit our lives to Gods purpose! That day, I got to see with my very own eyes, God at work, and the fact that I get to play a hands on part in this moment in time, brings tears to my eyes, and an unspeakable joy to my heart. These days. These are the days I have to remember on those days when the pain and heartache threatens to overwhelm me. These are the days that I treasure. The days I get to physically see God, with my very own eyes. These are the days that make all the other days,  completely worth it!

I pray that God reveals Himself in those moments in your days too. I pray that you come along side of me in prayer and support, caring for the hurt and the broken of this world, here in El Salvador and where ever you are.

Love and Prayers

Friday, April 21, 2017


Fancy meeting you here! I will apologize, when I first embarked on this incredible adventure, I thought that I would have all the time in the world to sit here and share all my wonderful stories, of the life I live way out here in the Jungle. Turns out as a missionary, you are actually really busy and your days tend roll on by, in the blink of an eye! I will do my best to keep you folks back home updated!

Rebecca and I at her Pinning Ceremony, glad to see these last 4 years have aged us well.
Love getting together with this rowdy bunch! Finally the gang was back together again!

So let us begin. It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks! I decided to surprise my parents by coming home for a quick 2 week visit over Easter, and let me tell you, it was a blessing straight from God! Being way out here, I miss a lot of the mundane day to day events that happen back home. Little events that mean so much to me! I am very family oriented, so being away can be a little tough sometimes. During my first few weeks here, I was and continue to be stripped and called to give up my wants and desires, in order to serve Gods wants and desires, which is wonderful and hard and incredible. I came out here knowing this, but there parts of my life that I wasn´t quite ready to be rid of. Things that are good, and important to me. Things like bridal showers, house warming parties, graduations, friends with health situations, holidays and new babies being born. All of these things are wonderful life moments that are memories for a life time! Things I  hold very dear to my heart!

God allows me to be here with wonderful people, doing wonderful things, but He also knows me. Personally. He knows my wants,my needs and my desires. He knows what I like,what I love and what I absolutely adore. He ordained perfectly this time spent back at home. He allowed me to be there for every single moment. I was able to watch  my best friend Rebecca receive her nursing pin,a journey we have been travelling for four years now. I got to attend bridal showers and house warming parties to support and love my cherished friends back home during this wonderful stage of life they are in. I got to spend Easter with my family of loved ones, eating and celebrating Christ´s incredible sacrifice for us sinners. I even got to spend just some quality time with dear friends over coffee or dinners. To be there, just be there, where for a moment I was needed. I wasn´t needed to feed a homeless person or help a team. I was needed to sit and cheer my best friend across the stage. I was needed to watch my beautiful nephews while my sister brought a precious new life into the world. I was needed to make cupcakes and do dishes for family parties. I was needed home, and it felt so good. To be home. To be with family and friends and to honestly just enjoy some freedom!

What a little sweetheart!
Proud Auntie

I cherished every single moment of it, I can assure you! I drove down back roads with the music blaring! I went for walks and enjoyed quiet time. I ate like a queen!! Let me tell you, I miss my family cooking! I enjoyed countless snuggles and surprise visits. I enjoyed life.

I had my wonderful community shower me with donations to bring back for my baking program and for the people we serve here. A giant suitcase full of blessings! It still continues to amaze me how a community can come together so quickly and give so much! We can´t wait to distribute it to those in need! I am so thankful for my little small town back in Canada. It is so wonderful to have customers come and visit because they just had to see me and see how I was doing! It´s something that means so much to me, you can´t even begin to imagine!
Donations will go towards my baking class with our New Dawn Children and the rest will be handed out to families that are part of our food  Co Op

It was then time to pack up my bags once again. I wasn´t sure how this whole trip would go, it being my first time returning after being here so long, but it was perfect! That´s not to say there weren´t moments when I found tears streaming down my face for seemingly no reason at all. because there were. That´s ok! In the end I packed up my things, I will admit incredibly last minute and unorganized,much to my mothers dismay, but I managed to waltz out the door, over packed, over weight suitcases in hand ready for my journey back to my other home. I am stuffed full with the little comforts of Canada. Cans of beans and taco seasoning, dish soap and spatulas, hot chocolate and stuffing from a box! Even a cute new Canada mug and magnet. It truly is the little things that bring me so much joy! I said my ¨see you soons¨ (I don´t like goodbyes) and got on a plane, and it was surprisingly easy. I knew what I would be arriving to. I had friends waiting for me and a job to return to. I was needed back here for right now.

I will say this. During my perfect visit home I learned something very important. I love Canada! LOVE it! I respect what it stands for and am thankful to God that I get to call myself a Canadian. I also love El Salvador. The people, the culture, the work God is doing here. I love them both. I was leaving home, to go to my other home.

I have had to learn that Home isn´t a place or things. Home is simply this. Home is where I will ALWAYS have a place, where I will always feel loved and where I will always be cared for.

It´s not four walls. It´s your heart. I have people that welcomed me with open arms here in El Salvador, with hugs and laughs of how much they have missed me. I also have family back home that feel the same. I am so blessed, so richly blessed. God has given me the opportunity to have such a wonderful life, one in which I don´t have to worry, because He knows the desires and needs of my heart, and He lets me be there for those life moments I cherish so much!

I am happy to be back here in El Salvador, do I miss my family, a little, but hey in 9 weeks I will be back to my other Home. So I am really not too worried!

I even splurged and got myself a nice big Canada mug, just in case anyone was wondering where may roots lie.
Tea warms my up but being able to have a wonderful Bremfield´s scone all the way out here... warms my heart

Friday, March 17, 2017

Little Blessings

How in the world is it already March? I do apologize for the late post, my life has a way of getting a little crazy here on the missions field! For those of you who are a little concerned after my last post, rest assured I am doing just fine, things are going wonderfully! Each day brings a new set of challenges and even more excitement, my life is never boring. I will do my best to recap these past few weeks in a short amount of time. Always know that if you have any questions or would like to contact me personally, please do! I will leave my personal email at the bottom of this post and I would love to hear from you.

Where to start! Well we have had some great teams visiting over the last little while, and it is so nice to have guests in the house from all over the U.S. We had a building team come and work on a house for a fellow employee, who has become a dear friend of mine. This little rascal has found the way to my heart and continues to bug me endlessly all day everyday! I must say I kinda love it. He is celebrating over 2 years of sobriety which is a wonderful accomplishment! Praise God! His life is a whole new story now and he was finally blessed with a place to call "Home". Upon finishing this project, the team continued to do much needed repairs around the office and our new building across the road. They were a huge blessing and a wonderful team!

Our second team was a medical team, and I will do my best to put into words the wonderful gift they were to this community! They came packed full with medications and equipment to fully serve the people of our community.We offered a free clinic for four days, to all of our programs and the people surrounding us. A free clinic in this community makes the world of a difference. For many of these people, the cost of visiting a doctor is unheard of, so many must suffer every single day, in heart wrenching pain, just trying to get by. We served people of all ages from teeny tiny beautiful babies to wonderful heart warming seniors. I got the opportunity to get to know some of these wonderful people, and share a little about our program with them. I am happy to report that we have many new faces in our program because of it! The team members had the most beautiful heart to serve,and made every single person feel loved and cherished by them, and by God. They worked late hours and saw hundreds of patients, not only taking care of their physical needs, but their spiritual ones as well. The team was wonderful to get to know and I have made several new friends that I cherish close to my heart. We had another team visit this week for a one day clinic, and I had the wonderful opportunity to meet a beautiful young mom to be. We laughed, chatted and got to know one each other. It still amazes me how women have a way of connecting with one another on such a truly beautiful level. We capture each others hearts, through love and understanding, even with a language barrier in place, it makes no difference. God lets us see the other women as our sister in Christ, and what a wonderful thing that is! This special new friend of mine is the same age as me and yet our lives look much different. She has a 6 year old daughter and a life time of trials, and yet she is simply glowing with love and excitement to meet this wonderful blessing from God. We had the opportunity to hear that beautiful baby heart beat and it was a magical moment it was, one I will never forget. This kind of technology in this country is rare, and it being a surprise option warmed this lovely women soul. With a steady strong heart beat and several fierce kicks, this little bundle of joy is a lot more than 16 weeks old, a surprise that excited our wonderful mother to be!I cherish moments like these close to my heart, and remember the wonderful blessings from God shows us, when things get tough.

As March waltzed in, so did a new roommate! Jenni has been a blessing and a wonderful addition to our home. We love her dearly and are so glad that God has placed her here in our lives! I look forward to many more wonderful memories of joy, hardship and sisterly love! On the missions field it is so important to have a group of people supporting you in love and prayer, not only at home but here sharing this journey day to day too.

As for the love from folks like you back home, I have never been so touched by your continued words of love, prayer and support! I have received cards, care packages and letters in the mail, and honestly, I can't put into words how wonderful it is! We had a dear couple from church visit here on vacation and they were nice enough to bring me a huge bag of goodies from back home, including cards from church friends, special spices and treats from sisters, wonderful hand drawn pictures from the nephews, and new clothes! They also brought an overflowing blessing of "Twining Earl Grey Tea", something I didn't realize I cherished so much until coming here. I am happy to report I drink it every single day and enjoy every sip, it amazes me how something so small can being me such comfort, a little piece of home! Most importantly, they were a wonderful face from home. People I knew and loved but also people who knew me, my stories and my friends back home. Having fellow Canadians here was truly a blessing from God. 

Being so far away is an incredible adventure but is also can be tough for someone who loves her family so much back home, and quite honestly almost everyone I know, I consider family. Getting mail is still one of the most exciting things in the world!! Especially here! Having you folks take the time to sit down and write to me still blows me away. It truly warms my heart to be able to actually hold something hand written in my hands. It sounds so silly I know, but it's true! I quite literally hold it close to my heart, and God's peace and love simply washes over me, a feeling that causes tears to trickle down my face. These little notes are God given reminders that I have a purpose here, and I can fulfill that purpose because He has placed the perfect supports all around me, whether that be all over Canada, or my new friends I have come to love here in El Salvador. It also continues to surprise my coworkers how incredibly loved I am. They get a little jealous!

All in all, things are just wonderful! I am constantly growing not only my relationship with the people of El Salvador but more importantly, my relationship with Christ! I look forward to more love being sent from back home, and will do my best to keep you all up to date! I pray you know how loved and useful each of you are in my life. I am so richly blessed!

Love and Prayers
Erica Byleveld

P.s I found greek yogurt to use as sour cream and have a friend bringing me taco seasoning

God is good!

2 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Colossians 3 12

Monday, February 27, 2017

Clean Up In Aisle 4

Hahaha, yes I think the title is interesting too. Grab a nice cup of tea, get cozy and enjoy the telling of my very first melt down in El Salvador. Y'all might think that this whole missionary lifestyle is easy, let me tell you, some of the simplest things, can turn into an emotional roller coaster! Like my experience in a grocery store this past Friday. Yeah! The GROCERY STORE!

We will start from the beginning. I had a wonderful Friday at the office, I had finished up some paper work I had been doing for days, had an enjoyable and beautiful day and simply wanted to stop and get some fresh veggies and fruit on the way home from the office. I asked our driver, who said it would be no problem at all! 

I walked into the store, and was thrown into chaos. I love chaos, thrive in it actually, not today! I couldn't find some basic produce I was looking for, searched and was disappointed to find out that a spanish country didn't have Taco seasoning, (what is wrong with these people) I forgot to weigh my produce myself, was still coming to terms with the fact that sour cream just doesn't exist here ( which still bothers me more than you can imagine) and found victory when stumbling across Campbell's tomato soup! Which is the end gave me more trouble than it should have. I walked up to the counter, unloaded my basket and waited my turn. Of course my produce got hauled away to be weighed, priced and bagged (wasn't aware we had to do that), my soup wouldn't scan, so the poor bag guy had run and get another can, which also didn't scan, which led to three more people joining us to try and figure out the major soup issue. Starting to get anxious, I felt bad about how long this was taking. Just when the soup finally got scanned, I had asked for the wrong receipt, which meant we needed another three cashiers to create an account for an invoice, all while I get stared at for being a white person in an all spanish town, who couldn't figure out what she wanted, let alone try and tell the poor women at the counter in my seriously lacking spanish. It was awful. 

We finally made it out of the store (barely) and headed towards home, at a crawling pace in what was now rush hour madness. Exhausted, hungry and mentally drained, I barely held back tears when walking through the door at home. I dropped my bags to the counter and did what every girl does in a time of need and comfort. I called my mom! I dialed the number and sat on the patio as it rang, at this point I was ok, it wasn't until she said hello that I lost it. My trickling tears turned into breath taking uncontrollable sobs. The poor women!! Her youngest daughter so far away in a dangerous country, doing dangerous work, calls her sobbing, her first thought is, are you alive and what happened? I was fine physically, I wasn't shot or injured or dead, all worthy assumptions in a place like this. I had gone grocery shopping. Yes grocery shopping. I had simply gotten overwhelmed at the magnitude of this life I am living here in El Salvador! We talked it out and ended the conversation laughing and feeling encouraged.

This is how this situation would have played out at home. I would have left work on time, gone to the local No Frills in my car, by myself. Found my taco seasoning (on sale I might add), got my produce, FOUND SOUR CREAM, walked to the counter, laughed with the cashier, said hello to a friendly neighbor and walked out. I would have enjoyed this little outing, that just happens to be one of my favourite things to do. I could stroll the aisles for hours! 

Not here. Here it's all different. My favourite outing turns into an emotional meltdown! Some times the littlest things, explode with emotions all over the place! It's part of the job here. Things that are supposed to be easy, aren't always. Some times you just need to call your mom and cry. With her love and wise words of reassuring encouragement, I make it through another day in this crazy country.  Through it all, God is strengthening me, helping me through here, all while nurturing my relationship with  my wonderful mother, who is far away back home!

He will never give us more than we can handle. When life rages on, He will sustain us in His open, loving arms! Whether that storm is dealing with the horrible situations I am surrounded by every day, or the simple things like lizards in the house, and bad grocery store experiences! He carries us through it all, and reminds us how loved we are. When we doubt, He reminds us that even though we may not know where we will be in a year, for today, He needs me here, and if I'm needed here, He will insure I make it through today. 

Love and Prayers
Erica Byleveld

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight
Proverbs 3 5,6

Sunday, February 12, 2017


I remember a very interesting moment, before coming here, while preparing paperwork and trying to get organized, thinking to myself "I can't wait to just get there and finally have my life settle down." I spent months figuring out fundraising, doing paperwork and attempting to pack up my life, all while trying to remain in relationships with those I love and care for. I spent a lot of nights running around, crossing things off my list. Thinking I couldn't wait to just be there, and to have these fears of the unknown overcome. If I can just make it onto the plane, then finally things will settle down.

What on Earth was I thinking? Who was I kidding? Life didn't settle down. I have settled in here, yes, but that's different! 

It continues to amaze me just how fast the day goes by. I pull myself up out of bed and then a moment later, I am crawling back into it exhausted, wondering where the day went and how someone managed to change the clock without me seeing, again? I must say though, I do sleep well!

People ask me, what each day looks like, and honestly it changes. I don't have a set schedule, nor do my days ever look the same. We never know how the day will go or the challenges we will face, but we trust that God is in control, and with Him in control, we will make it through just fine! 

We face different challenges each day, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Let me be quite clear when I tell you this. There is a spiritual battle, that is always going on, especially here. We are at the front lines. Believe me, satan is not happy with the incredible things God is doing down here. He is quite annoyed with the unbelievable ways God is using each and every one of us. He can't stand to see the life changing things that are going on here at Mission To El Salvador, or the fact that God is given all the glory for it.

So what does he do? He uses our weakness to wisper little lies into our ear. He uses whatever tools necessary, to make you doubt. Make you doubt your abilities, your qualifications, the difference you're making. He tries to make you believe that it isn't worth it, that you should probably just pack up and go home. He makes you question your motives and desires. He makes you question our saving grace in Christ Jesus.

He does his best to deminish God and to make your fears feel overwhelming.

But there are things he can't do.

He can't make you feel the peace of your Saviour.

He doesn't remind you that you are forgiven and free and therefore a new creation in Christ.

He doesn't pour out his love for you with open arms on a cross.

He doesn't care about you, he only cares about winning a battle that God has already won.

Only God can wrap His loving arms around you and wisper words of love and encouragment. Only God can provide grace and freedom. Only God can share little glimpses of  His incredible works,precious moments that take your fear and your breath away!

Only God can bring you peace, joy, laughter and love.

With Him, we can do anything, nothing is impossible. As long as trust and obey.

It is such an important reminder, that brings me such joy.

You too, are forgiven and free. You too, are loved and cherished by our Creator, and what a blessing that is!

Even though things may not ever settle down. I can at least find peace and rest, when I settle into the loving arms of Christ.

Love and Prayers
Erica Byleveld

Therefor if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation, the old is gone and the new has come

2 Corinthians 5:17

Sunday, January 29, 2017

" My God Is So Big"

"My God is so big! So strong and so Mighty! There's nothing my God cannot do!"

This song, one of my favourite Sunday School songs, has been stuck in my head all week long! It is so fitting for this place! To say my week has been insane is an understatement! We have spent the month I have been here planning for our Phase 2 of New Dawn and the big inauguration day finally came this past Thursday! 


We got to get all dressed up for this special occasion!
I think we clean up pretty well!

Let me just stop and say how in the world has it already been a whole month since I first arrived here! That's crazy! We have been planning and prepping, pondering and praying for this new phase of our program for weeks, and it has been so fulfilling to finally see everything come together. There were renovations and cleaning, paper work and organizing, but with the help of wonderful coworkers, and God's provision, we made it! I have come to realize that God uses many of my gifts and talents to work here, and also ones I never thought I would need or be qualified for. On the missions field, we never fully know how qualified we are! Our God is so big, and His plans are so good!

Our new program will provide 24 hour residential care for minors that are struggling with alcohol and drug addictions, giving them a safe and caring environment, to grow in Christ's freedom!

They will have a place to lay their head and food to fill their bullies, thanks to the work God is doing in the lives of folks back home. Without your support this wouldn't be possible!

I took a moment to pray for each  future child (though I haven't met them yet, God knows exactly which child will be brought home here) and mentor as they begin this long journey, and am reminded of how glad I am to be here at the very beginning of this process. I get to see God at work right here in person, building relationships with these kids along the way!

I will do my best to update on the new program, as much as I can with pictures that give you a wonderful glimpse into our work here! We have teams starting to arrive and do work here, and this house always seems to be buzzing with excitement! 

 On a personal note, it's nice to finally feel settled in here.

One month here has flown by, and yet at the same time I feel as if I have been here for ever! I love this little country so very much! The people and the culture are always interesting and I have begun to develop  wonderful relationships with my co workers and friends!

I spend my weekends with some much needed relax and adventure time! Grace(my wonderful roommate, who let's be honest, is the first little sister I've ever had, is lucky to have me around (love you! ) and I spend our weekends with our friends and family (the Palacias/ Portillos') adventuring through this incredible place!

This past weekend we ventured to the top of our volcano! Yes I call it "my" volcano because hey why not! It was quite a hike but well worth the view! Again I am reminded of just how big our God is, and how incredible His creation is! I am surrounded by His beauty not only in His landscape, but His people!

We go discover wonderful different places to eat and spend time making memories and friendships that I truly believe will last a life time! These people (especially the family) have managed to make their home in my heart and continue to bring me so much joy!

Love these people just a little too much! We are a pretty good lookin group!

 (There are so many great foods here, especially Pupusas!! Oh. My. goodness. I LOVE them! Don't ask me how something so simple can be so incredibly delicious!)

 Guess who finally felt confident enough to try the local favourite, with the best lunch in town! ~ this girl! Grateful to God that I haven't been at all sick here!

I love it here. I love what God is doing here. I love the relationships being built. I just love it!

My God is so big ~ My God is so strong ~ My God is so Mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do!

Love and Prayers
Erica Byleveld

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Grieving the Life I Had

It has been said to me by close friends and other missionaries here, that when you begin an adventure like this one, you will grieve the life you used to live. 

I thought they were kidding. I mean grieve is a pretty strong term to describe the desires for the luxuries I have back home. But grieve you do. 

Most  days here are wonderful. I have incredible "God Moments" when I see the Creator hard at work in the lives I witness. I am surrounded by beautiful country scenery and wonderful people. Hurt and brokenness, yes, but I also so beauty there too.

I see children's faces light up when I simply give them a candy, or  share some crayons. (The feeling of seeing them light up still makes my heart burst with love)

Women that finally know that someone cares, simply because I take the time to transform their knotted hair into beautiful braided hairdo's, that Pintrest would be proud of!

Men who feel like they finally are worthy and needed again, when I let them carry heavy, important things for me.

I have wonderful co workers that make me laugh and feel loved.

These are all wonderful things that I thank God for daily.

There are also moments when I would give anything to see my friends. Friends I love so dearly, that they are family. Moments I long to be  back working alongside my mother, laughing and sharing our hearts over the days busy baking tasks. Moments when all I want is to hug and kiss those beautiful growing nephews of mine. Moments when I miss being teased by my wonderful father,and bursting with laughter over jokes with my sisters!

I long for an opportunity to just get into my car and drive! Be free to go where I please! Not having to worry about not being allowed to walk outside at night, gun shots ringing out all around me.

I long for my family and the comforts of home, the familiar smells and sounds.

I long for the life I used to have. Truly long, so much so that it makes my heart physically hurt!

God knows this. He also know that He will provide the perfect people at the perfect moments, to help me get through those tough times in my day. People like great coworkers and wonderful roommates, long time friends to serve with, and a new "family"

I got to spend an incredible weekend with my new friends the "Portillo/ Palacias" family. 
They opened their arms to us with true love and spent wonderful moments showing us this beautiful country.

We went to the local botanical gardens, had a great lunch together, and finished the wonderful day with a breath taking view at a restaurant at the top our our volcano! We had so many moments of laughter and fun, it made missing my family, not quite so hard! It was a true blessing to spend time with people that made me feel like part of the family. I feeling I was longing for!

God  continues to bless me with little moments, with people He has already ordained and prepared, to walk this adventure with me. Wonderful people I am so excited to become "family" with! People like the "Portillo/Palacias" family.

2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love 
Ephesians 4:2

Love and Prayers
Erica Byleveld

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Welcome To The Jungle...

"Welcome to the Jungle"

I have been told that, by several different people, several different times in my first week here in San Salvador. If you would have asked me a week ago what that meant, I really don't think I would have had an answer, but as each day passes, I began to understand it more and more. Imagine you take a nice long flight, land and walk off the plane into a deserted jungle. No rules, just chaos. I mean literal chaos. 

I have never been to the jungle, but I imagine it is similar to  the experiences I have here. I wake up to strange animal cries, sun blasting in the windows. I get up and drive through streets without rules. Streets that have cars speeding, driving in wrong lanes, driving in lanes that don't actually exist, all while trying not to plow over the numerous amounts of locals that think it's totally acceptable to walk out in front of your car in the middle of an intersection. I have never been so tense in a vehicle before coming here. I arrive at the office and wave to the women with kind eyes as she exits her "shelter" (that's even in quotes because quite honestly, you can't even call it that...) only to come out and wash her only other article of clothing in a rusty old coffee can, filled with filthy water, only to have it dry over the sewer drain on the sidewalk. She smiles, I smile, wave and we exchange a "Buenos Dias" I go to my desk and work on an assigned task before our afternoons starts. People wait for over an hour at our gates before they can enter. They come in and shower, get a hair cut, relax and play a game, catch up with friends, all while enjoying this breeze of the ceiling fan and the comforts of care. I am busy in the kitchen making sure that lunch will be ready, standing guard over my frying pan, cooking hot dogs.We deliver the food, their spirit and soul too get nurtured, and then with smiles we say "Adios" We clean up the days chaos, prepare for the next and get ready to return home. On the drive back, we pass by some of the kids in our program at the place they will spend the night.  Under the foot of a statue in one of the roundabouts throughout town, in a bus corner or simply just laying down on the sidewalk, settling in. We smile and wave and finally arrive home. A long day of hurt,heartache and spiritual warfare. This is the front line. I stand at the front of a battle. The battle for Eternity. It's tough, it's hard. There so many lives on the line. 

Each day I must make a choice to either pack up and go home, or stay and fight. Most days are hard. I miss home, I miss my old life, and honestly it's just hard.  I don't always see results, and I may never fully see the results of this battle we are fighting, a battle Christ has already won. A spiritual battle, and emotional battle and a physical battle. Yet there are lives on the line. Do I give up and go back to my wants and desires, or do I face my fears (there are many I might add) and press on, knowing that one day, I will stand before God and hear "Him say, you were faithful, well done good servant", 

It won't be easy, but it is worth it. Every life we impact, makes it worth it. Makes this pain and suffering I feel, seem quite insignificant in comparison.

There are moments though, of complete disbelief, of this new life of mine.
 Times when I see a man walk into traffic and drag another man out of the street. (whether the man being dragged is dead or not, we can't always tell.) 

Times when I see groups of teens with spit all over their face as they stumble on broken limbs, stoned out of their minds, to the truck to receive a meal, their glue bottle clung to their chest, as they slip in and out of conciseness.

 Times when I am told that the building outside our truck door is actually the place where the drugs that are distributed not only here in town but supply the entire country, are made, stored and trafficked. Might I add that that same building is just up the street from my new office. Yeah, exactly. I am told not to worry though, we have good street credit here. 

This is my life now.     These moments fill my days.    
It's discouraging and hard to see the good we are doing sometimes. Yet I have never felt God so close. He sees it too. He hurts too. He is ready to welcome us home. He has already won this battle. Even in the bad times, God is good!

This is the Jungle.

 Is it hard? You can't even begin to imagine. Is it worth it? When I stop and think of the people who will be joining me in Eternity, because of the work going on here, yes, it is worth it. It always will be. I just have to be reminded sometimes.

Love and Prayers
Erica Byleveld
James 1:12 “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”